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  • PELS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 02:34
14 Mar 2023

Abstract: Grid-forming voltage-source converters (GFM-VSCs) are emerging as an attraction solution for developing the future 100 percent power electronic based power systems. However, different from synchronous generators whose synchronization is governed by the physical law of swing equation, the synchronization dynamics of GFM-VSC is determined by its control algorithm, which brings in difficulties in analyzing the synchronization stability (transient stability) of GFM-VSCs under grid faults. In this webinar, a design-oriented transient stability analysis of GFM-VSCs will be performed based on the phase portrait approach, based on which, the transient stability impact of virtual inertia and damping will be characterized with clear physical insight. In the end, the mode-adaptive control will be further introduced to enhance the transient stability of GFM-VSCs under different operating conditions. This webinar is intended to provide some inspirations of the possibility in utilizing the control flexibility of GFM-VSCs to guarantee a better transient stability performance of future power electronic based power systems.

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  • PELS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
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